Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Extreme Paper Scissors Rock!

Our game displaying the use of the wii gesture glove is extreme paper scissors rock.

Within extreme paper scissors rock, there are three games to chose from standard paper scissors rock, etreme paper scissors rock and extreme paper scissors rock 15.

The first game is paper scissors rock.

NOTE: The games would normally be played in a 3D environment but because i cant make 3D animations, the games will be emulated in a 2D environment.

Paper scissors rock is played exactly the way it is played in real life with the addition of a fancy environment.

Once the timer counts down the players must make a clearly defineable gesture of either paper scissors or rock as fast as possible.

The only difference as far as the rules are concerned is that the time after the count down has ended is measured.

If you take to long to make a clear gesture then you will lose the round.

Extreme paper scissors rock is played similarly but the playeds take a more active roll in the game.

while the players hand is in the defensive zone, playeds will be able to change thier gestures.
However to beat your opponent you must move your hand out and hit them.

as per usual in paper scissors rock each gesture has another gesture it is both strong and weak against.

using these type match ups you can do a lot of damage to your opponent, or a little.

if the gestures are equal or your opponent has no clear gesture, the damage dealt will be average.

apart from thinking about type match ups, the aim of the game is to hit your opponent as much as possible while avoiding thier attacks.

Even extreme paper scissors rock can be extended.

Using the RPS charts by David Lovelace, the possibilities are all but endless.

To avoid over-complicating the game, the chart i have shown the chart for RPS 15 which has 15 possible gestures which could be extended to have advanced abilities.

Link of the flash:

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